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Chris Evans, Jamie Bell and Tilda Swinton star in director Bong Joon Ho's sci-fi adventure Snowpiercer, based on the French graphic novel 'Le Transperceneige'. In a post-apocalyptic world, a group in the "Tail Section" of a train rebel against the ruling "Front Section."
Release Date: June 27, 2014
Studio: RADiUS-TWC
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Adaptation
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Screenwriter: Bong Joon Ho, Kelly Masterson
Cast: Chris Evans, Song Kang Ho, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, John Hurt, Ed Harris, Allison Pill, Ko Asung, Ewen Bremner
Running Time: 2 hrs. 6 min.
MPAA Rating: (R) for violence, language and drug content.
Official Website:
Plot Summary
In a post-apocalyptic world, or what's remaining of it after a world war and glaciation, the few survivors find themselves in Earth's last remaining train, named Snow Piercer. The train continues to move following a circle in a desert of snow and ice. And, while the poorest live in pathetic conditions, suffering the cold and hunger in the "Tail Section," those living in the "Front Section" lust, party and live like Kings. The Snow Piercer continues to travel in this vicious circle, but one day one of the "Tail Section" passengers decides to change the status quo, discovering all the secrets behind Earth's last train. SNOWPIERCER is based on the French graphic novel "Le Transperceneige."
Movie Trailers
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